17 November 2010

Big test(s) ~ Focus!

yeah, am thinking hard of this ~ GO TO EUROPE!
leave every chaos (in here) behind.

cuties trombone miniature, sweet!

a coffee making from Anomali Coffee
@Jakarta Culinary Festival 2010

"The belly rules the mind" ~ After Dark Event by Dre Masso
@Jakarta Culinary Festival 2010

Jakarta Fashion Week 2010 and Nanny's
with Mel

lovely healer

Go Fight Win!

i am trying to be such a super-busy lady.
i am at my logically-heartless point.
i am in a Focus and Workaholic period!

14 November 2010

He is ..
already with someone

soon-to-be the groom

Me .. ?
with no one
have no idea-when-to-be the bride

"wishing you happily ever after"


28 October 2010

proudly present

Saturday 30th, 2010
10 AM - 10 PM
Santa Ursula Jakarta
Jalan Pos No. 2
Jakarta Pusat

Pelajar Rp 50.000,-
Umum Rp 100.000,-

Be Participated!

02 October 2010

"There's you in my dream (again), do you miss me or what?!"

~ me. missya

30 September 2010


Italian Bread - complimentary

pappardelle ala salmone

one of the pizza

Absolutely Highly Recommended

a perfect place for relaxing and chillaxing the night
~ delicious food, lots complimentary, relaxing ambience, friendly waiters, lovely cocktails and affordable price

me, especially addicted to this:
- Rosticciana (pork ribs)
- Tagliatelle alla salmone and
- all the cocktails (mojito, vodkatini, americano, caprioska, etc)

three times a week (this week) ~ same menu different cocktails, what an addiction eh?

Bon Appetito!

18 September 2010

17 September 2010


From the movie "Letters to Juliet"

Dear Claire,
What and If are two words as non-threatening as words can be.
But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.

What if ? What if ? What if ?

I don't know how your story ended but...
If what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late.
If it was true then, why wouldn't it be true now?
You need only the courage to follow your heart.
I don't know what a love like Juliet's feels like...
- love to leave loved ones for, love to cross oceans for but I'd like to believe if I ever were to feel it, that I will have the courage to seize it.
And, Claire, if you didn't, I hope one day that you will.

All my love,


01 September 2010

"Am happy if you are happy (with other girl) is my hardest lie.
But knowing you are happy and healthy is more than enough."

~ confession.

I like to have a martini, two at the very most.
After three i'm under the table.
After four i'm under my host.
~Dorothy Parker

01 August 2010

from @Gracemonika:

"With hugs, two people can delivered their feeling without words.. And it's the best way to say something unsaid" ~ me.


path. option. future!

well, too many option. am confused!

ide awal tiba-tiba menjadi bias. kabur. samar.
lalu muncul begitu banyak pilihan. persimpangan. kemungkinan.
dan ...

saya terperangkap
bingung memilih

saya meragu
karena takut salah
menentukan langkah awal

#ayodibantu #butuhbimbingan :)

"Gue menyebut ini semua sebagai Cosmological Coincidence, atau Kebetulan Kosmos, kebetulan yang direncanakan oleh alam semesta .... Masing - masing dari kita punya garis kehidupan yang telah direncanakan. Dan masing - masing dari kita, kalau diijinkan akan saling bersinggungan"
~ Raditya Dika, Marmut Merah Jambu, page 163.

Apakah pertemuan kita salah satu contoh kebetulan kosmos?
Apakah semesta yang mengatur setiap hal-hal random di antaranya?
hmmm, kupikir ya.

kalau begitu ....
terima kasih semesta

hey S, love still!

08 July 2010

when it comes to 8th July 2010..

Wishing you all the best in every single day of life.
Have a blast and be Great, always!


"Life is always about choices. one you choose, be responsible with it and of course with the risk."

28 June 2010

what's wrong with that?

what's wrong with having friends from any different group of social class, age or status?
what's wrong with drinking alcohol once in a while?
what's wrong with doing some extreme activities?
what's wrong with travelling?
what's wrong with trying new food places?
what's wrong with hangout with friends?
what's wrong with having a gym life/diet thingy?
what's wrong with coffee time?
what's wrong with attending public events?
what's worng with having a social life?

if none of that is wrong, then
do not call it H E D O N I S M

13 June 2010

when it comes to the dawn ~ last Saturday dawn,
i had an inspiring-long quality chat with my best twin ever......
about our future plan, a mid-term one...

about what we have to do and what we want to do,
very fluently...

but then, this sentence came up... and it's like a bell ring for us... yes, a bell!

"We're talking about 5 years later, it's when we'll be 27.. And we don't even talk about marriage."

---- i do like wedding things, i have my dream-wedding's details..... you have no idea how exact i can describe the details.... but yeah, an irony that i haven't put it on my 5 years-later plan....

well, whatever..
there are still lotsa things that i have to and want to do...
i'll meet my prince along the timeline... rite? ;)

19 May 2010

one year ago
Same date, same time
When the BLINK happened

~ mi manchi.

03 April 2010

my feet need sand and my eyes want sunset

30 March 2010

setelah berbulan-bulan pacaran dengan
laptop, tumpukan buku+dokumen, streesss, jam-jam kalong, bergelas2 kopi, pak kumis, beribu kertas terbuang karena revisi dan banyak lagi hal yg membuat jadwal hidup perlu direhab


I Graduated

special thanks to:
Mom & Dad
my VIPs
all of you who supported me

lotsa kisses and warm big hugs

22 March 2010

I like this post that
comes from my superbestfriend's blog, Ariyanti Dragona
nice thought!

it's said........

"when u fall in love with someone that u should not/u can't reach/don't love u in return..
u're not horrible..
u're soo blessed that u've experienced how love feels..
how it flies you to heaven and how it dumps you..
how beautiful it is and how hurt it is..
not many people have the chance to love sum1 else whole heartedly..
-and the most important point- not many people can treasure love..

Life is -both- fair and unfair.. it depends on how you look at it... and -of course- how you treasure it..!
I know and fully realize that treasuring life is not as easy as abc...
its hard to look at things positively when u're in the lowest stage of ur life, right..?!
that's totally fine.. sangat manusiawi.. the point is the awareness itself.."

~smile your life is always good~

18 March 2010

source: weheartit

after exactly 10 months...

i'm STOP.
i'm DONE.

27 February 2010

i asked, "why me?"

you answered, "why not?"

remember that?

18 February 2010

i just love to listen
your voice,
your stories,
your thoughts,
your deepest feeling...

i simply want to comfort you
share with me
cause i have a lifetime to be a good listener

14 February 2010


Happy Valentine's day and Happy Lunar New Year
or every lovers and every chinese

February 14th, 2010

kantong tebel perut kenyang hati hampaa
Family : DONE!
Romance : NONE!

"still money can't buy me love....."

03 February 2010

saya G I L A ~ tingkat sepuluh (udah bukan tujuh lagi!!)
HAHA! *miris

yaak itulah kata paling tepat untuk mendeskripsikan gw di bulan Januari nan indah ini (hooooeeekz!)
terkesan tahun 2010 kaya gak ada bagus2 nya sama sekali... eerrr bukannya gak bagus sih, tp mungkin belum menunjukkan "bright side" nya buat gw....!

i admitted that i'm crazy... karena ini udah mix&match antara:
random+lost+streees berkepanjangan+stuck+blue mood+anger+loving a "bastard" that much (udah jelas bastard gw masih bisa aja segitu sayaaaaangnya) = taraaaaaa..... jadilah ramuan " G I L A "

coba tolong disebutkan bagian mana yang gak bisa dibilang "gila" setelah semua detail di bawah ini... smua agree??! *yeess*

1. mari melanjutkan kegilaan skripshit sampe kelar!

ini bukan gilaaa tp memang HARUS secepatnya diberesin.. tapi gw emang bnran gila karena streees... dan karena pembimbing gw!! (pak kumis tolong anak ayamnya dibantu dong, jgn sok sibuk berasa presiden deh! tak gunduli jg kumis mu nanti pak! kerjaan saya diperiksa wooi!) :P

#efek kegilaan skripshit = hungry all the time+sensitif+esmosi jiwa membahana!

2. mari melanjutkan kegilaan mencintai kamu

nah ini agak sulit, bukan agak sih tapi sangat super duper sulit... karena memang udah super super complicated! c r a p! ..
i mean... i love love love you bastard... i know how BAD you are, but for God's sake i still loving u that much that deep ... oh Gosh!!! apa yg merasuki gw??!! gw cukup kaget menyadari fakta ini... dammit i'm love with wrong person in the wrong time... oh not wrong person sih... aduuh you're such a perfect guy, i mean my type totally!! yaa except that bad part of yours.. bisa nemu dimana lagi aku orang kaya km?!! huff...

sekarang gw udah di tahap dimana i just wanna giving this love for you.. i dont care ~ u love me or not, u care about me or not ~ i'm just want to loving you till this love change its meaning... entah kapan itu, let the time speak... nanti ujungnya akan ikhlas juga..
i believe this theory, no matter what people think, say or argue... once i believe, i will always believe! And i prefer to deal with pain because of seeing u with that lot of girls than deal with pain because u're gone.. (ooh pathetic me!)

as long as i'm single, i just wanna enjoy you as much as i can... enjoy our time! so what??

"a part of me will always love you dear,
even if i end up with someone else..."

#efek kegilaan mencintai = gak napsu makan+random face+missing you like crazy!

"Carpe Diem!"

18 January 2010

My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
.Christian Bautista.

People try and tell me that its crazy
You and I were never meant to be
I don't believe they know,
and even if its so
I'm fallen anyway, no matter what they say.

A part of me is taking me by the hand
The world can't see, still
they can't understand
Why can't they understand.. . .

My heart has a mind of its own
Right or wrong it's gonna do
Only what it feel is true
I'll follow it where ever it goes
Anywhere it leads me to
My heart has a mind, mind of its own.

Maybe we will always be together
Maybe this'll last a thousand years
ain't nobody knows, and even if they did
It wouldn't matter now
I'd love you anyhow.

My heart knows what I'm needing
My heart knows what I'm feeling
It knows me better than I know myself
My heart knows what I'm missin'
All I have to do is listen
And listen well...

mendengar lagu ini dan .....

t e r t o h o k ! Crap!


09 January 2010


and this is the common way to say new year in Korean

새해 복 많이 받으세요

(seh heh bok mahn ee bahd euh sae yo)

end of 2009, i was in Daegu-Korea. enjoying my holiday! :)
there's only silent there, no party, no celebration and no countdown. i think it was good, sumtimes u need silent to celebrate new year. we can flashback for what we did in 2009, think think think, introspection ourself and be a better person for ourself and for others!!

Hey 2010, i just wanna be

More Patience

Specific Obsession:

finish skripsi and graduate
S2 Notariat UI


a miracle for "that" impossibility (still have that faith!)

i will ROCK you 2010!! :)