06 June 2009

Saturday Night with nothing to do....
just sit in front of the computer for
checking email...
looking around in Facebook...
tweeting and
updating the blog...

after that

planning to read the books...
called "you need a Good Lawyer to set you free from the jail of your heart"
by Zara Zettira ZR and friends

watching TV...


05 June 2009

Free Friday Morning...

i've got this quote...

God took the strength of a mountain,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
and He made my Dad out of those ingredients…
-Author unknown-

miss him so much *geez

04 June 2009

done for this week... the next exam is on Monday...
so... i'm ready to enjoy the weekend !!!

wanna sleep revenge... watching DVD... reading books...
doing RPM class n yoga at the Gym...
and just relaxing...

03 June 2009

Hari ini... ujian 3 mata kuliah...

PLKH 2 - Perdata (simulasi sidang)
PTUN - open book
Perbankan - open book..

tapi yang paling seru ujian PERTAMA... SIMULASI SIDANG PERDATA... karena
dresscode : formal...
boys : kemeja n dasi
girl : blazer

trus mau di shoot.... hihi beneran kaya akting... pake skenario juga soalnya...

ohiya... i'm in the second group and the members are :
The judges are
Christian Jaya
Julia Chritine

Kuasa Hukum Penggugat

Kuasa Hukum tergugat
Liedaramawan Chandra (best partner)
Grace Monika R a.k.a ME


walaupun kita kelompok Majelis I tapi maju yang pertama lho...
simulasi sidang Babak I - Babak IV (pemeriksaan alat bukti tertulis)
the court going well as we practised before...

for remembering this moment..we taking a lot of pics... and here they are...

this is me with Liedarmawan Chandra *the best partner* as Kuasa Hukum Tergugat..

the second group *Kelompok Majelis Hakim II*

Sebelum Sidang..

Full Team *majelis I and Majelis II*

semua senang dan semua narcis...
thanx for the kindness of our lecturer Bpk I Made... *love u deh pak..*

02 June 2009

"to think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking"


01 June 2009

BAD Feeling

tiba - tiba perasaan ga enak menyerang... !!! ga jelas knp tapi pokoknya hati berasa gaenak......waswas gimana gitu..... *bingung*

dan anehnya dlm seminggu ini udah 2x aja lho... pdhal biasanya feeling ky gitu dtg dengan jeda waktu yg aga lama... *mulai menganalisa*

yap btw tonight is time to work on final deadlines!!! kerjakan semua deadline...dan HARUS SELESAI... hehehe.... *smangaaaaaT*
sambil nunggu martabak manis deket rumah yang sedang ontheway dan home-made coffee... buat nemenin begadang sampe subuh... (asiik asiiik) !!!
foto home-made coffe and the martabak manis menyusul yah.. haha

*smoga bad feeling juga bisa ilang pelan - pelan... coz its annoying sangat!! Geez*

31 May 2009

..Need a HUG..

"Why they can't DEPEND ON themselves??!"
Your Life is your Effort...

so..... USAHA donk people !!

*i'm tired being a single warrior all this time*
FINAL EXAM... is coming to town.. !!!

trying hard to stay focus...
work on final deadline....
STUDYING for the EXAM... !!!!

*busy week...*