13 June 2009

all EXAM is DONE... !!
and its time to have FUN because its....



stop thinking of all of this stuff... literature and friends...

yang telah membuat kamar berantakan... hehehe.....
lets HANG OUT...

hari ini wisata kuliner ke Puri... Tepatnya Pan&Cook Puri...
*pancake...i'm coming..*
akhirnya going with Indri (my bestfriend since elementary)
and we order this for the first round..

my order: cheese chocolate pancake
indri's order: smoked beef pancake

karena kami lapar...and the portion is not enough...
so...lets order for the second round....
Lasagna Beef... *tapi yg ini kita shared lho* hahaha...
ohiya ga sempet difoto yg masih utuh... jadi cuma ada foto yg tinggal sepotong ajah...

the last part of our Lasagna Beef.... sebelum kami babat habis.. !

after that.... kenyang....kenyang...kenyang...
tapi SENANG....

*can't wait for the next culinary trip*

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